Monday, March 2, 2015

Native Son

Native Son, a novel by Richard Wright, follows the life of Bigger Thomas, after murdering his  bosses daughter, Mary Dalton. Bigger is an African American and has felt all ends of discrimination due to the color of his skin. His employer, Mr. Dalton, is a rich white man who has seemingly attempted to benefit African Americans.
In the third book of this novel, Bigger has gone to trial for the murder of Mary Dalton. His lawyer, Max, begins to argue the logistics of his crime. Although Max agrees that Bigger did murder Mary, he knows that the trial is bigger(no pun intended) than just Bigger. He argues that the discrimantion he has felt, forced him into this situation. Bigger, like others were unable to choose a life of poverty or crime, but rather it was chosen for them, but the socially constructed idea that white people had formed.

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